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3 Reasons For Recycling Your Construction Debris

3 Reasons For Recycling Your Construction Debris

There are a number of good reasons to consider construction debris recycling aside from the fact that it’s a good practice to keep any material out of the landfill, if possible. For example, the durability and potential for reuse of concrete debris makes it a great candidate for recycling. In addition, a wide variety of waste materials can be effectively re-used and re-purposed. The fact is that there are literally dozens of materials in a typical construction project that can be given new life.


Three Benefits of Recycling Construction Debris 

Recycling requires some advance planning, but the benefits - both immediate and long term - are well worth it. Much of what comes out of a construction site can be reused. In fact, when deconstruction on a site is involved, there can be a great deal of recyclable material that would otherwise be handled as debris to be hauled off to a landfill.

As a contractor there are three main reasons why you should consider construction waste recycling instead of traditional disposal methods such as regular junk removal:

  1. Reduced costs of removing and hauling

  2. Elimination of high landfill fees

  3. Contributes to the production of lower-cost recycled aggregate products

And aside from the economics of choosing a firm to take your construction debris to a recycling plant, there are a variety of benefits in recycling materials rather than dumping them or burying them in a landfill. Waste concrete is a great example.

The benefits of recycling concrete include:

  • Keeping concrete debris out of landfills saves landfill space
  • Using recycled material as gravel reduces the need for gravel mining
  • Using recycled concrete as the base material for roadways reduces the pollution involved in trucking material

Construction debris can be anything from concrete and flooring tiles to fixtures and doors. Other materials like wood, metal, bricks and glass also count. Even the trees, stumps and earth collected from clearing a site falls into this category of waste.

You can recycle most common C&D materials including concrete, porcelain, rigid plastics, tile, lumber, metals, masonry, plastic, rock, carpet, insulation and more. What can actually be recycled at your local facilities may vary depending on location.

What Is C&D Waste Made up Of?


How Your Material Becomes Part of the Solution

The goal with every recycling program is to retain as much value as possible by turning your materials into new resources. Here are a few examples of what we can be reused:

  • Inert materials can be used as road base
  • Cardboard, paper, plastics and metals are converted into new goods
  • Clean wood can be processed into mulch or biomass fuel
  • Dirt, rock and sand are routinely used as Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) in landfills
  • Crushed concrete is converted into gravel or dry aggregate for new concrete

 Deconstruction as a Recycling Strategy

Deconstruction refers to carefully dismantling pieces of a home or building in order to salvage valuable building materials. Statistics show that the demolition of buildings in the United States produces almost 125,000,000 tons of debris each year

Commonly deconstructed items include doors, windows, flooring, ceiling tile, countertops, cabinets, light and plumbing fixtures, molding, joint fixtures, roofing, blinds and shades.

There are many environmental benefits to deconstruction. Building debris accounts for one-third of the solid waste in the United States.

It’s estimated that one year’s amount of building debris is enough to build a wall about 30 feet high and 30 feet thick around the entire coast of the continental United States. Keeping much of this reusable building material out of landfills makes a significant impact.

Since deconstructed materials are recycled and reused, the need for raw materials in new building projects is also decreased. In addition to being great for the environment, deconstruction can also mean cash in your pocket since many of the materials you donate can translate into a tax write-off.

However, getting it off-site and hauled away is still a potentially costly and time-consuming proposition if you choose to do it yourself.

Getting Professional Help for Your Recycling

Part of the beauty of outsourcing the pick up and disposing of your construction waste is the convenience. But, just as important, is the very real impact that having your debris recycled and reused. California is one of the leading states in the processing and reuse of concrete and other waste building materials, and Sonoma County contractors are a big part of that movement.

Junk King provides an efficient, safe and eco-friendly construction waste disposal service so you don’t need to worry about the pick up or disposal of the debris after your project is complete.

Whether you need our services several times during a construction project or just once after it is complete, our hauling professionals will ensure that the construction debris is out of your way so that you can get on with the job.

Our team specializes in construction debris removal. We can be at your facility in mere minutes, so call us today! Our crew is fully insured and well-trained, so you can trust them to get rid of your unwanted items in a professional and courteous fashion.

One of the best things about hiring Junk King is that we recycle a much of the material we pick-up. This is proof of our commitment to being an eco-friendly removal service. If you have questions about what we do or what we believe, give us a call at (707) 744-4254.


3 Reasons For Recycling Your Construction Debris


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