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American Adventures

American Adventures

With summer in full swing, you’ve still got time to enjoy some great American adventures before the fall arrives. Take full advantage of the summer and go somewhere new, or visit someplace you haven’t seen in ages.

1. Pack Early

Packing can be stressful, so try to keep it as simple as possible. Also, once the laundry has been finished, get packed the morning before you’re scheduled to leave. You’ve got a dozen things that have to get done before you can leave, like cleaning the house, finding a pet sitter, and temporarily halting the mail. Packing clothes shouldn’t be one of the harder problems, so get it done early.

2. Keep school schedules in mind

If you’re planning on taking a trip later in the summer and you’ve got kids, keep their school schedules in mind before you book anything.

Some fun destination suggestions can include:

-The Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina

While the estate grounds take up some 8,000 acres, the famous Biltmore House sits on 175,000 square feet of land and features some of the most amazing architectural and landscape visuals that can be found in the Southeastern United States. In addition to touring the house and grounds, the Biltmore Estate offers dining, a petting zoo, onsite hotel resorts, and an excellent winery.

Plus, it’s located in Asheville, a city known for embracing its eclectic nature with a variety of artist shops, breweries, and specialty shops like the French Broad Chocolate Lounge, Double Ds Coffee and Desserts (it’s a stationary double-decker bus), and the Grove Arcade.

-Savannah, Georgia

If you ever get the chance to visit Savannah during March, try to go see the city during St. Patrick’s Day. The rest of the time, take time to visit the Pirate House restaurant and walk the River Street area. Beyond the river, the multiple town squares provide easy navigation throughout the city streets, and the various churches and hotels make for some impressive viewing.

Also, the ghost tours can be amazing; Savannah has a reputation for being one of the most haunted cities in America.

-Breckenridge, Colorado

Feel like being somewhere a little cooler during the summer? Try Breckenridge. The city offer a variety of art and architecture, and the mountains provide nature trails and hiking spots before ski season arrives. Try to find the Breckenridge troll or partake of a crepe in the Breckenridge resort areas.

Keep the higher elevation in mind, too. Depending on what part of the city you visit, you might need a few days to acclimate to the dramatic change in pressure. It’s not uncommon for acclimation to require several days.

-Chattanooga, Tennessee

Mountain ranges and views? Check. Cool tourist stuff like cave tours and zip lines off the sides of a mountain? Check. Cabin resort offerings situated into the side of a mountain that smells like fresh cut timber? Check. Southern cooking like you read about in books? Check. And a whiskey distillery across the street from the Choo Choo Centennial Theatre? Big ‘ol check.

Additionally, downtown Chattanooga offers an aquarium, curiosity shops, parks, and walkable bridges spanning the Tennessee River.

3. Enjoy!

Doesn’t matter if your American adventure takes place on the other side of the country or 100 miles from your home; go out and have fun.

American Adventures


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