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Spread Holiday Cheer

Spread Holiday Cheer

Some people choose to view holiday cheer as a fine luxury; after all, the holiday season tends to be super-stressful and ripe with opportunities to feel depressed and angry.

For that reason alone, holiday cheer should be practiced and observed by everyone, regardless of faith, race, creed, or personal beliefs. Holiday cheer transcends all the usual societal roadblocks that everyone crashes into during the year, and since everyone benefits from some holiday goodwill, practicing gratitude and goodwill to others can do wonders for your emotional balance.

To that end, consider this simple list of holiday Do’s and Don’ts.

DO: Observe The Holiday Traditions

Everybody’s got a few, so go ahead and observe away. Go watch that Seinfeld episode about “Festivus.” Enjoy some mulled wine while wrapping presents. Put an elf hat on the dog and take a photo of the Elf on the Shelf raiding the liquor cabinet. Sing along to Mariah Carey and Wham! Watch all six (six!?!?) Home Alone movies.

Holiday traditions can raise the spirits during even the roughest of years.

DON’T: Worry About Observing All the Traditions

A common mistake during the holiday season includes the absolute need to observe and practice every and all holiday traditions. For the sake of your sanity and the desire to experience some holiday cheer, give yourself permission to skip some traditions if needed.

For example, maybe skip watching a few holiday films if your schedule gets too full. Also, maybe take a break from the tradition of taking a small vehicle to pick up a live Christmas tree. It was fun trying to shove a 7-foot tree into a Volkswagen years ago; now it’s just asking for trouble.

DO: Decorate

Holiday decorations can do wonders for lifting a person’s spirit at the end of the year. Doesn’t matter if it’s a tiny fake Christmas tree in the corner or a yard inflatable of a Jewish polar bear (that’s a real thing), decorate to your heart’s content.

DON’T: Get Too Angry with The Neighbor’s Display

If you happen to live next door to a Clark Griswold wannabe that has an outdoor holiday display that can be seen from space, don’t get annoyed with the brightness. You can always close the blinds and invest in a sleep mask.

DO: Practice Random Acts of Kindness

Overtip for the holiday mocha. Let someone else have the parking space. Give someone a genuine complement without expecting some reimbursement from the universe. Don’t get annoyed at parents with loud kids in a store. Offer help when you can.

DON’T: Be a Jerk

Tempting though it can be, especially during a season of high stress, don’t surrender to the impulse to take out your irritation on others. And if you do, take a moment to apologize, get yourself refocused, and don’t beat yourself up. It’s the holidays.

More than anything, the holidays can represent a time of goodwill towards all the people of the world while also being hopeful about the future brings. And since the future will impact everyone, it’s important to be hopeful for what comes next. Let’s spread goodwill and hope!

Spread Holiday Cheer


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