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A Space In The Home For Distance Learning

A Space In The Home For Distance Learning


In many places across the country school has finally started. But, for some, it's school at home or "distance learning." And that means having space for it.

Sure, you could just use the kitchen table every school day and let the kids work there, but... 

For many families, the change to distance learning is going to be a long-term situation. And, if they have several children in school who will be sitting in front of their own laptops each day, sufficient space that is conducive to learning is a necessity.

And the kitchen table is probably not going to make the grade.

So, what's the answer?




Converting a Room in the House Into a Learning Space

While this may require some cleaning, some decluttering, and even some household junk removal, it will well worth it. 

Ironically, many kids who are now engaged in distance learning have parents who are also having to work from home. And, like their parents, they're going to need a space that will encourage them to focus and that they will associate with school and learning.

Once you decide on a room to use, you'll likely need to clear out some of the furniture and other items to make space for desks, ergonomic chairs, and possibly tables and bookcases. And then there will be the school supplies.

This can mean additional storage containers and possibly shelves or cubbies, as well.

Remember, you probably had to remove all the clutter from the room already - no point in making it a habit!


Or as Parents magazine puts it,

"We all know how quickly any kids’ area can get lost under worksheets, arts and crafts, or tubs of slime. But the more cluttered the desktop, the harder it will be for your child to focus. Store papers and art supplies in bins in a nearby cabinet or on a shelf. Use labels or clear containers so kids can keep up the sorting system. Let them grab high-use items like pencils from a desktop organizer or buckets hanging from a rail above the desk."

While the garage or a basement may not be the most ideal space for the kids "learning room" that doesn't mean you have to build something either. Almost any spare room can do, even an open but little-used dining area.

If you really don't have a room to spare, consider adding a small table in the family room, co-opt that storage nook under the stairs, or even designate a corner of the kitchen exclusively for this purpose.

Now Make It "Learning-Friendly"

Don't worry - you don't have to do any major remodeling either. But there are certain elements that you can add to make your children's distance learning space at home a place they can enjoy and that lends itself to the endeavor of learning. 

Here are a few additional tips from some folks who've been doing this for while:

Make Your Space Comfortable
Does the room that you are thinking of using for your homeschooling lessons have good airflow? Is the space well-insulated? You won’t want to choose a space that is hot in the summer and cold in the winter.

Make Your Space Fun
Traditional classrooms often have posters and other fun things on the walls to create a more inviting space for students past the tile floors and beige walls. In your home, you can make your schooling space as colorful and fun as you would like. In fact, you can even get your children involved in the decorating.

Don’t Forget to Get Out of the Classroom
While you will likely spend a lot of time in your homeschool classroom, don’t forget to take the opportunity to get out of the classroom from time to time. Maybe you do class outdoors on a nice day. Perhaps you can do a lesson in the kitchen or do some reading on the couch.

Leave Time for Breaks
Nobody likes working for extended times without a break. When your kids start to get restless or hungry, it might be a good idea to create a scheduled break. Maybe you need to take a morning snack break and an afternoon exercise or play break a couple of hours after lunch.

You may have noticed the mention of homeschool here and, while distance learning isn't actually homeschooling technically speaking, it's still "school at home" and many of the tips, tricks, and resources used by homeschool parents can be applied for distance learning students.




This Too Shall Pass - Or Not

No one can truly say with absolute certainty where all of this distance learning, social distancing, and other results of the coronavirus pandemic may lead.

With so many stories in the media that are touting the "New Normal" and various state and local officials grappling with the uncertainties of the virus and the need to maintain safety, distance learning may here for a long while. 

The good news is that the resources and technology all seem to be in place to make distance learning a feasible alternative to sitting in classrooms wearing masks all day. The biggest challenge for many parents then, aside from juggling work schedules or finding childcare, is creating and maintaining a suitable space in their homes for the kids to "go to school."

However, as we've covered here, a little bit of creativity, ingenuity, and elbow grease - along with some probably long overdue junk and clutter removal - can be applied in almost any home to provide that needed space for your children's ongoing educational needs. 




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A Space In The Home For Distance Learning


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