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Enjoy Independence Day Fireworks Safely

Enjoy Independence Day Fireworks Safely

From parades to barbeques, July 4 has many defining features, and fireworks literally soar above them all. And since most of us didn’t get to enjoy the traditional Independence Day celebrations in 2020, this year promises to be a bigger and louder party to make up for lost time. 

With that in mind, here are some tips on how to safely enjoy fireworks this year, especially if you plan on buying and lighting your own.

1. Obey the Local Laws

Depending on where you find yourself on the day of a planned firework extravaganza, remember to check local laws and ordinances concerning the use of fireworks before you set foot inside the local celebratory explosives store.

Why? Because there are no universal rules regarding the purchasing and usage of fireworks. It might be perfectly fine in certain isolated areas, such as North Dakota, and be illegal to use in other areas like downtown Cleveland. Always check the local rules and laws before starting. 

Keep in mind that laws and ordinances can change, too. For example, if any area has been experiencing a lack of rainfall, it’s possible the local authorities could place a temporary ban on individuals using fireworks in the name of public safety. If such a ban does occur, check with other local municipalities and see if similar rules have been put in place. If not, take a trip to a neighboring community and find a safe place to light your fireworks there.

2. Plan for Safety

When listed, firework safety precautions tend to be obvious and repetitive. But because the damage that can occur from a firework accident can be deadly, it becomes necessary to always review them before breaking out the lighter.

So, a brief safety summary: Don’t let children play with the fireworks. Keep water and other fire extinguisher tools handy. Always light fireworks outdoors. If a lit firework does not go off, do not approach and attempt to light it again. Once they’ve been fired, remove any debris from the blast area. If possible, put the firework casing in water and let it soak before throwing it away.

And, pretty please, don’t light a firework and then stand anywhere near it. Just put it down, light it, and back off.

3. Pick a Good Site

While it’s always fun to celebrate the independence of the country by blowing up a small portion of it, make sure the launch site offers some basic safety features, such as flat terrain and space away from flammable objects like woods, buildings, vehicles, and other people.

In addition to being an open, isolated spot, some other safety precautions should be observed. For instance, check the ground for debris and sharp objects that could cause injury or puncture vehicle tires. Have water available in case of a fire. If water isn’t available, have fire extinguishers or buckets of earth available. 

Also, don’t try to light the fireworks all at once. And definitely don’t try to start a Roman candle shootout with the neighbors. Nothing is more embarrassing than having to explain to a police officer that you HAD to engage in a fireworks shootout because they started it. Fireworks and machismo? Not a good mix.


Enjoy Independence Day Fireworks Safely


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