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Residential Junk Removal

Residential Junk Removal

Summertime is almost here. For many, these warm months of the year means a variety of fun and relaxing activities, including BBQs, pool parties, tossing a football in the backyard and shooting hoops in the driveway.

 Although residential homes in the suburbs are the perfect place for summer events and activities, many homeowners aren’t quite prepared for the warm weather yet. Many of these season-specific activities require cleaning, refurbishing, and junk removal to get going.

Here are a few tips on how to make the most of your residential summer activities:

BBQ: The summer BBQ is the classic event to have friends and family over on those hot days. What can be better than grilling burgers and dogs on your back porch and enjoying good company? The only problem is the porch was damaged over the winter. You hired a contractor who refinished the wood, but left a bunch of paint buckets and supplies on the deck. You also bought a brand new grill, but the old rusty one is still sitting there. Getting your porch into BBQ-shape could turn out to be quite a task.

Pool Party: A pool party is the perfect way to cool off on the hottest summer days. Whether your kids want to have friends over for a dip or you want to burn off those winter pounds with some daily laps, a pool is a great summer asset for any homeowner. Pools that haven’t been in use for the winter can really use some work before they are ready for use again. You’ll need to clean out any large debris that might be nearby the pool as well as replace any old equipment like filters, pool covers and diving boards.

Backyard: A big backyard is a huge asset during the summer. Your kids can have a catch, play tag, camp out in tents, or do any number of outdoor summer activities. Backyards also require quite a bit of maintenance to make sure they are safe and open for activity. Fallen tree branches, old appliances, and a number of other items may have ended up in the yard during the winter. Yard Waste Removal will be essential to get the backyard ready for summer activities.

Driveway: Many suburban homes have driveways that double as sports centers. It’s standard to put that basketball hoop in the front drive to use during warm summer days. Many items may have shifted during the winter, however: old trash barrels, fallen branches, rusty bikes and broken down snow blowers might be in the way of a good game of H.O.R.S.E.

In all of these cases, it can be quite a task to clean up your residential home to prepare it for those summer activities, especially with a busy work week. That’s why giving Junk King a call to clear out all the waste from your porch, pool area, backyard and driveway is your best path to summer fun. Junk King provides affordable, efficient, and eco friendly residential junk removal services so that you can make sure your summer is clutter-free.

Residential Junk Removal


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